News Archive

Here you will find the news archive from our society including, new publications, trips, and more.

"Latest News" can be found on this link.


Eight sets of records, that were transcribed in the 1990s and either faded into the background or were never actually published, have been made available in newly formatted publications:

Wiltshire Land Tax 1780 – CD 11 – 16619 records of property owners and occupiers.

Wiltshire Confirmations 1703-1920 – CD 13 – 27122 events.

Wiltshire Non-Conformist records – CD 14 – 21822 events.

Wiltshire Strays in Gloucester Gaol – 19th century men and women from Wiltshire in Gloucester Gaol, giving date, name, trade and abode

Wiltshire Emigration Association 1849-51 – A scheme to settle Wiltshire people in Australia, with names, birth dates, abode, marriage dates and family members.

Wiltshire Fire Insurance Policy holders 1714-1731 – 1239 records giving name, abode, year and Guildhall Library reference.

Wiltshire Apprentices: Parish, Charity and Private – 6392 records giving name, abode, trade, date of indenture and details of master.

Broad Town Charity Apprentices – 4428 records giving name, abode, trade and master.

View or download our expanded Publications leaflet or visit our store on GenFair.

The Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre Newsletter is now available through the link here.











We have recently published our largest publication "Wiltshire Constabulary Police Officers Appointed 1839-1927".

At 523 pages it is only available in print, on CD  as a download through GENfair.

It is a transcript of original records held at the Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre, supported by two indexes; one by name and the other by police number. Wiltshire Constabulary re-issued its numbers as they became available.



For your membership to continue, please read what you are asked to do

The changing law protects the rights of UK citizens and residents but applies to data relating to members everywhere.

On 25th May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force. This Legal Regulation controls the relationship between the individual members and Wiltshire Family History Society (WFHS) in respect of the personal data which they have provided.  The Society needs to hold the data in order to administer the Society’s activities and finances, to communicate with its members, and to keep them informed about the Society’s activities.

What you are asked to do

The GDPR requires the Society to obtain your specific consent to your data being held under the following Data Protection Policy.  Without your consent we are unable to hold your data and your membership will, in effect, come to an end.

Data Protection Policy – The Society is registered under the UK’s Data Protection Act. Membership records and related subscription payment details are held on a computer database for Society use only and will not be passed to third parties. The Society also maintains a computer database of members’ surname interests. A condition of accepting surname interests from members is that the interests are published in the Society’s Journal, together with the member’s name, postal and email addresses. Surname interests are also published on the Society’s website, but with a membership reference number only. Enquirers who request contact with a member in connection with their surname interests will be provided only with that member’s name, postal and email addresses.


Please provide your consent soon:

If you are an Internet user: log on to the WFHS website,

  • go to My Account, then Edit, then Update Your Profile to reveal your Profile Page.
  • Click on the Data Protection tab and read the Data Protection Policy information. [Note: you may need to hover the mouse arrow over the blue “i” in order to see the information.] 
  • Once you have read the information, click in the tick box and then on Update to confirm your consent.

Or, if you pay your annual membership subscription by bank standing order or by cheque:  please complete the following details and forward the whole form to WFHS Membership Secretary, 11 Caird Lawns, Devizes, Wiltshire  SN10 3EB

I consent to my personal data being held as described above

Names in full. ………………………………………………………........

Membership number. …………………………………

Signed. …………………………………………………………

Date.  …………………………………

We had a very successful trip to Who Do You Think You Are? Live show at NEC last Saturday, with 37 people - members and non-members joining our coach!

The next one is to National Archives at Kew on Saturday 3rd June -   Cost: £21 per person. 

Our set-down point at Kew is at the National Archives - but this is only a short distance from Kew Gardens or the London Water and Steam Museum (steaming their rotative engines and their railway that day) or the Mechanical Music Museum at Kew Bridge, for anyone who would prefer visiting these places rather than the Archives!

On Saturday September 9th Cy Cutler and Jenny Pope are organising a trip to Hay on Wye, mecca of "pre -loved" books, with 22 bookshops in the town.  This trip is £15 per person.  Not strictly a Society trip - but one we think would be of great interest with the opportunity to browse (and buy) books on places and people connected to family history research

The final trip in 2017 is on 7 October to the Imperial War Museum in London with galleries and displays closely related to the First World War.  Cost £22.50

For all trips, we pick up in Westbury (6.30am), Devizes (7.00am), Chippenham (7.30am) and Swindon (8.00am).






Who Do You Think You Are? LIVE 2017
The WFHS team will again be at the biggest family history show in the UK (and possibly the world!).  Who Do You Think You Are? LIVE 2017 will be at the NEC Birmingham from 6 to 8 April.  The team will provide research advice and will be giving special emphasis to the Society's latest parish register releases and other new publications available as on CD, by download as a book.  For details see the latest Sales Leaflet available via the Publications page on our web site


































We are now able to provide free name indexes to all of our 34 CMB titles and 4 of our other digital publications. All indexes are pdf files and can be viewed on screen or downloaded and copied and printed. A Wiltshire map showing the distribution of the CMB titles is also available to view and download. Access to the Free Name Indexes page is through our Publications page.

The transcripts of baptism and burial parish register transcripts for Coombe Bissett, Froxfield and Highworth are now available.

Coombe Bissett - Available as a printed book, an eDownload and as part of CMB 4, all through Genfair, or the book and CD from our Resource Centre.

Froxfield - Available as a printed book, an eDownload and as part of CMB 28, all through Genfair, or the book and CD from our Resource Centre.

Highworth - Because of the large number of pages, the printed versions are available through Lulu. Both baptisms and burials are available as eDownloads and as part of CMB 37 through Genfair, or the CD from our Resource Centre.


Wiltshire FHS is hoping to run a coach up to Who Do You Think You Are? in London in February, as long as enough people book seats. Please see the Coach Trips page for more details.


For all our publication sales.